Friday, August 29, 2008

The Perfect Sun

I have wanted to take a good photo of Pearl now for awhile. It seems that there is always something off in the photo or the lighting is not the most flattering for her. Well this morning Pearl was sunning herself looking so...well... Pearl like. The camera was in the right spot to grab quick before she moved which happens all the time. She looks so lovely.

Coy Pearl. How do you spell coy? Is that right?

No photoshop, no special lens, just pure sunlight and Pearl.


Leisa said...

Defintely worthy of over the mantel. I am still searching for the word that best describes her look, all I keep coming up with is presidential.(4 nights of the dem convention) so regal!

Poppy said...

Except she will not tell you lies like all politicians.

Lana said...

BEAUTIFUL! What a precious Pearl!

Dot said...

These photo's of Pearl are wonderful Jill! You have captured her so well.

Jacky said...

What a sweetie....and so photogenic. Love Pearl and I think her personality shows through in the pictures. What treasures!