Friday, January 25, 2008

Dotee Doll

I made my first Dotee Doll last night. Dot from Australia is the creator of these lovely little dolls that are taking over the world. They are small, simple and fun to make. Paige even made one. Here is the Dotee Doll tutorial if you would like to make one. They are very whimsical little dolls that seem to make people smile.


Jacky said...

Hi Poppy, your Dotee doll is beautiful (especially because I love the colour green).
I am really enjoying your blog!!! Love the Icicle dolls you have made - fantastic! Are they for the swap Belinda is hosting?
Would you believe that I also commissioned one of the little planets from Sara? Arent they wonderful. I will have to go to Ikea and get myself a frame too.
Will be sure to come back and visit your blog.

Poppy said...

Hi jacky yes the icicle dolls are for the swap Belinda is hosting. I am so excited to hear that all the dolls are in and will be on their way soon.

I love the little planed. It has been hard not to request another one. They are so wonderful. Ikea has the best frames for them just the right size.